credit : Kevin Johnsrudesoftware developer, musician, artist, model, polymath, Buddhist ; Lila Mili; UDAAN
Kevin Johnsrude : I went from being a pessimist to an optimist in 2010. And I'm never
going back.
I prefer the scientific definition of optimism.
Martin Seligman et al. have conducted research on optimism and pessimism as
explanatory styles:
If you are an optimist you believe that good events are:
Personal - because of you
Permanent - always or mostly happen
Pervasive - happen in everything in your life
If you are an optimist you believe that bad events are:
Not Personal - not your fault
Not Permanent - temporary
Not Pervasive - happened because of special circumstances
If you are a pessimist you believe that good events are:
Not Personal
Not Permanent
Not Pervasive
If you are a pessimist you believe that bad events are:
Personal (you)
Permanent (always)
Pervasive (everywhere/everything)
Optimistic explanatory styles can be taught and are the basis of the Penn
Resiliency Program for middle school children and of the US Army's
Comprehensive Soldier Fitness program to reduce post-traumatic stress disorder
(PTSD) in combat soldiers.
Developing an optimistic explanatory style is explained in "Learned
Optimism" by Martin Seligman, Chair of the Department of Positive
Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania.
But in summary:
To learn an optimistic explanatory style you dispute your pessimistic
explanatory style, summarized by the acronym ABCDE:
Adversity: The bad event
Belief: The pessimistic belief
Consequences: of the belief
Disputation or Distraction: Use a disputation or
distraction technique. See below.
Typically, you would keep an ABCDE journal of the adversities in your life
in order to develop and refine your optimism.
Evidence: Show how belief is wrong
Alternatives: Develop other causes for the adversity. These other causes need to be changeable,
specific and external. In other words
"Not always, not everywhere and not me".
Implications: De-catastrophize or use indexing.
Usefulness: Does the belief work?
Mentally say: "Stop!"
"Later at X pm, I'll look at this again."
Write down the adversity.
Rather than explain all these steps in detail, I'll give an example.
Adversity: I flunk my calculus mid-terms
Belief: "I'm no good at math. I'm going to flunk out of school. I'll never be an engineer."
Consequences: Sick to my stomach, I can't concentrate, I want to drop the
math course. I worry that I'm wasting my
time and my parents' money.
"I've gotten good grades in math classes before. This is
only the only class I've had trouble with so far. This instructor doesn't teach very well. I didn't expect that calculus would be this
hard. I should have hit the books last
weekend instead of going out and partying. And I should have checked out the
study groups.
I feel disappointed but determined. I'm going to fight this. No more slacking.
I'm going to go to the instructor's office hours and have him explain to me the
problems that I missed. I'm also going
to ask him if I can do make up work. I'm
going to have to study harder and start going to see the tutors daily with my
calculus homework.
photos : google and wikipedia
photos : google and wikipedia
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